U.S. and Canada

Prisoners hold first nationally coordinated work stoppage

Prison inmates around the country launched the first nationally coordinated work stoppage on Sept. 9. In their own words, these…

September 26, 2016

Boston union aids Standing Rock, Charlotte resistance

On Sept. 22, the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Steelworkers Local 8751 held its first membership meeting since the start…

September 26, 2016

Whistleblower Manning punished for suicide attempt

In an arbitrary and inhumane decision, a U.S. Army disciplinary board sentenced heroic whistleblower Chelsea Manning to solitary confinement as…

September 25, 2016

Socialist campaign comes to Illinois, Wisconsin

By Gerry Scoppettuolo and Andy Katz Monica Moorehead, Workers World Party’s presidential candidate, completed her Midwest tour in mid-September, bringing…

September 25, 2016

Wars on Iraq, Afghanistan costing $5 trillion

Sept. 18 — Professor Neta Crawford of the Watson Institute at Brown University released a report detailing the costs, both…

September 25, 2016

Full solidarity with the rebellion in Charlotte!

UPDATED SEPT. 23 Police and National Guard Out of Charlotte and Black & Brown communities! Full amnesty for all arrestees!…

September 24, 2016

Fight Trump’s racism, Clinton’s militarism

People in other countries are probably scratching their heads, wondering what is going on with politics in the United States.…

September 24, 2016

On the picket line

Minnesota nurses on strike Nurses in the Minnesota Nurses Association started a second unfair labor practice strike on Sept. 5…

September 24, 2016

Union victory in LIU lockout

New York -- When the Long Island University administration called off the lockout of its Brooklyn faculty Sept. 14, it…

September 24, 2016

Baltimore meet-and-greet Candidates’ Night lifts progressive independents and socialists

Progressive and socialist candidates for Baltimore public office united at a Sept. 15 “meet and greet” session sponsored by the…

September 22, 2016