U.S. and Canada

Activists say: ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Panthers game

The Tribe, a majority people of color queer and transgender group, organized an occupation at the main entrance in front…

September 28, 2016

Lead poisoning hits African Americans the hardest

Hundreds of children living in the West Calumet housing projects in East Chicago, Ind., have tested positive for excessive levels…

September 28, 2016

Overturn the Hyde Amendment!

The Hyde Amendment turns 40 on Sept. 30. This reactionary legislation mandates that if you are poor and receive your…

September 28, 2016

Police terror ignites CHARLOTTE UPRISING

By Cathey Stanley and Alissa Ellis Charlotte, N.C. “We are freedom fighters and we must be in the street with…

September 27, 2016

Charlotte Uprising demands changes

Charlotte Uprising issued the following demands in response to the police killings of Keith L. Scott and others in Charlotte,…

September 27, 2016

Atlanta: ‘Midnight is here’

Sept. 22 -- A multi-hour demonstration titled "Midnight in America"  gathered on the grounds of the National Civil and Human…

September 27, 2016

Cleveland demonstration in solidarity with Charlotte, North Carolina

Clevelanders United for Justice Reform Now! held a solidarity picket line at the newly opened African-American Cultural Gardens on Sept.…

September 27, 2016

Justice for Terence Crutcher: Tulsa killer cop’s indictment not enough

Hardly a day goes by without a new name added to the horrific roll of people of color cut down…

September 27, 2016

Brooklyn march mourns death of affordable housing

Angry tenants, mostly people of color, came from three of New York City’s five boroughs for a funeral march Sept.…

September 27, 2016

Chelsea Manning’s hunger strike wins medical care

Chelsea Manning, sentenced to 35 years in prison for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, launched a hunger…

September 27, 2016