U.S. and Canada

U.N. panel backs call for reparations

A comprehensive, up-to-date 22-page report by the U.N. Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent was released Aug.…

October 6, 2016

Battle for Port Covington: Gentrifiers vs. workers, oppressed

Once again, as happened with the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, real estate moguls and developers are pressing for millions of…

October 6, 2016

Lessons of the Clinton-Trump debate

CNN reported that the Sept. 26 debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump at Hofstra University in Long…

October 5, 2016

Kaepernick ‘effect’ grows with every police atrocity

Oct. 3 — Since Aug. 26, when San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explained why he began to sit and…

October 5, 2016

Protests denounce police murder of Alfred Olango

An unarmed Black man named Alfred Olango, a 38-year-old refugee from Uganda, was gunned down and murdered by a police…

October 5, 2016

Charlotte uprising forces release of killer cop videos

The truly heroic forces of the Charlotte Uprising have carried out a great struggle to get justice for Keith Lamont…

October 5, 2016

No borders in workers’ struggles

The following statement was released by Workers World Party 2016 presidential candidate Monica Moorehead and vice presidential candidate Lamont Lilly…

October 4, 2016

Ashes or lilies: Alabama & environmental health, justice

Centreville, Ala. As Native nations at Standing Rock and their allies continue the struggle to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline,…

October 3, 2016

No ‘solidarity’ with prison guards

A wave of inmate labor strikes has swept through federal and state prisons across the U.S., preventing business as usual…

October 3, 2016

As state ramps up repression, #CharlotteUprising pushes forward

Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 2 -- As the righteous fightback against racist police terror continues to hit the streets of Charlotte,…

October 2, 2016