U.S. and Canada

Buffalo celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day and protests billionaire school board member’s sexism

People from many Buffalo, N.Y., organizations and communities gathered on Oct. 10 to call for replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous…

October 18, 2016

With affordable health care the issue, students, workers support Harvard strike

Workers around the world are watching as Harvard University Dining Service workers take on the multibillion-dollar institution, demanding “No cuts…

October 17, 2016

Buffalo Bills fans show support for Kaepernick’s knee against racism

Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 16 -- Not all fans of the National Football League’s Buffalo Bills booed or made vicious threats…

October 17, 2016

Poisoned water plagues Pennsylvania prisons

“You’d have to be crazy to bathe in that water,” a SCI Mahanoy prison guard told Mumia Abu-Jamal after seeing…

October 17, 2016

Mumia Abu-Jamal will die without mass pressure for hep C cure, protest on Dec. 9

Philadelphia - Unless a mass movement can force Pennsylvania officials to provide antiviral hepatitis C medications to cure Mumia Abu-Jamal’s…

October 17, 2016

Omar Shakir tells his story of Oakland, Calif., cop misconduct

Oakland, Calif. Omar Shakir and his family were under siege last July 23 when the Oakland Police Department falsely believed…

October 17, 2016

LEE BOOTH 1932-2016: A woman warrior and internationalist

By Debbie Johnson and Cheryl LaBash Detroit The Detroit branch of Workers World Party — and the whole party —…

October 14, 2016

Standing Rock resistance continues

Indigenous Peoples Day is an answer to the offensive Columbus Day holiday that glorifies the European conquest of the Americas.…

October 13, 2016

National ‘walk-ins’ reject attacks on public education

More than 100,000 students, educators, parents and supporters participated in a National Day of Action for Public Education on Oct.…

October 13, 2016

Sparked by Kaepernick – Sports protests pummel racism

Colin Kaepernick’s lone action condemning police brutality against Black people has multiplied into the most widespread mass protest against racism…

October 13, 2016