U.S. and Canada

On the picket line

Calif. largest public employees union set to strike Some 95,000 California civil service workers represented by Service Employees Local 1000…

December 2, 2016

Chicago protesters: ‘Stop racist cops!’

Chanting “Boycott Black Friday, stop racist police!” hundreds of demonstrators blocked store entrances Nov. 25 on Chicago’s upscale Michigan Avenue…

December 2, 2016

Thousands march in Seattle against racism

At least 3,000 demonstrators marched in Seattle this year on the second anniversary of the 2014 Black Friday protests against…

December 2, 2016


The death of Fidel Castro Ruz on Nov. 25 shook the world. The great revolutionary leader not only guided, but…

December 1, 2016

‘Under the noses of the imperialists’

It was April 16, 1961. Cuba was about to be invaded by thousands of counterrevolutionaries organized, trained and armed into…

December 1, 2016

1960: Harlem welcomed Cubans

When Cuba’s delegation arrived in New York City in September 1960 to attend the United Nations General Assembly, the Eisenhower…

December 1, 2016

Black Lives Matter: Lessons from Fidel

Statement from Black Lives Matter, Nov. 26. We are feeling many things as we awaken to a world without Fidel…

December 1, 2016

Leonard Peltier’s message on Day of Mourning

Day of Mourning November 24, 2016 Greetings my relatives, Here we are again. This time the year is 2016. It…

November 30, 2016

‘Indigenous resistance from Standing Rock to Plymouth Rock’

Mahtowin Munro, of United American Indians of New England, gave this talk at the National Day of Mourning commemoration in…

November 30, 2016

In the spirit of Crazy Horse, Metacom and Geronimo

Moonanum James, of the United American Indians of New England, gave this talk at the National Day of Mourning commemoration…

November 30, 2016