U.S. and Canada

‘The U.S. Mail is Not for Sale!’ Union victory over Staples and postal privatization

Five years ago the Postmaster General began a series of moves aimed at the step-by-step privatization of the Postal Service,…

January 9, 2017

Don’t call the police on poverty

Durham, N.C. - I arrived at the Durham Co-op Market the morning of Jan. 2, 2017, for coffee and to…

January 9, 2017

New coalition forms to resist fascist attacks

Detroit - While the political basis for fascist activity has long existed within the imperialist system dominant in the U.S.,…

January 9, 2017

A peoples’ victory: Court rules to give Mumia Abu-Jamal hep C cure

Federal District Court Judge Robert Mariani has ordered the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) to treat political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal…

January 6, 2017

On the picket line

Las Vegas hotel workers beat back Trump — finally After a vicious, two-year struggle, 500 workers at Trump International Hotel…

January 6, 2017

Big Pharma prices, profits soar

Affecting all population sectors in the U.S., the costs of prescription medicines are skyrocketing, fueled by the pharmaceutical industry’s greed…

January 5, 2017

Protesters at football events say #NoDAPL

Two important protests against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline near Standing Rock, N.D., gained national attention during football-related…

January 4, 2017

Retrial set for killer cop in Charleston, S.C.

In Charleston, S.C., on April 4, 2015, Michael Slager, a white cop, killed Walter Scott, an African-American man, by shooting…

January 4, 2017

A crack in the wall of death

For Dylann Roof, the next few days and weeks of his young life will prove his most memorable. That’s saying…

January 4, 2017

#J20 mass protests planned: FIGHT TRUMP!

Jan. 1 -- People are organizing all over the United States to go to Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 20,…

January 3, 2017