U.S. and Canada

Anti-worker labor secretary pick protested

How would most workers react if the CEO of the company that employs them was nominated to be the U.S.…

January 17, 2017

Philly rally slams denial prisoner hepC care, pharma profit

For the second time in five weeks, protesters gathered outside the Philadelphia office of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf on Jan.13.…

January 17, 2017

Resistance at Standing Rock continues despite reactionary bill

Jan. 16 -- A bill introduced in the North Dakota State Legislature on Jan. 11 would give a legal green…

January 17, 2017

Tillerson, Exxon Mobil and the South China Sea

Donald Trump may like to surprise people, but he has followed exactly what previous presidents have done in selecting a…

January 17, 2017

Take action NOW and tell Obama: Free these political prisoners!

UPDATE: On Jan. 17, President Obama has commuted the sentences of two federal political prisoners, whistleblower Chelsea Manning and Puerto…

January 17, 2017

Repressive state attempts to shut down J20 protest

The repressive U.S. state apparatus that defends the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie over the multinational working class is doing everything…

January 16, 2017

Baltimore community coalition kicks off Trump resistance with Unity March

Less than 24 hours after the Senate took the first steps towards utterly obliterating health care for vulnerable U.S. residents,…

January 16, 2017

Virginia’s first-ever MLK Day march in Lexington

Rejecting white supremacy and embracing unity and solidarity, hundreds took to the streets on Jan. 14 in Lexington, Va., for…

January 16, 2017

Celebrating Dr. King the fighter in Newark, N.J.

By Johnnie Stevens and Steve Millies Over 100 people demonstrated in Newark, N.J., on Jan. 15 to celebrate the Rev.…

January 16, 2017

Buffalo, N.Y.: Ousting a school board racist bigot

Dozens of people marched to protest outside the home of local millionaire developer and Buffalo school board member Carl Paladino…

January 16, 2017