U.S. and Canada

The ‘Alt-Right’: A new mask for white supremacy

Feb. 13 -- “Alt-right” has become a buzzword in the mainstream media to describe the extreme right-wing politics pushed by…

February 13, 2017

Lessons of the Sessions nomination

Feb. 13 — The Democratic Party’s inability to stop or even slow down the dramatic shift to the right, represented…

February 13, 2017

Solidarity rally backs locked-out Honeywell workers

South Bend, Ind. - Hundreds of supporters rallied Feb. 11 in South Bend, Ind., to support United Auto Workers Local…

February 13, 2017

Solidarity grows for union fight at Nissan

After twelve years of a drive to organize workers at the Nissan plant in Canton, Miss., the company is still…

February 10, 2017

Lessons of the victorious Harvard dining hall strike, Part 2

The 750 striking Harvard University Dining Service workers — cooks, dishwashers, servers and cashiers — brought multibillion-dollar Harvard University to…

February 10, 2017

On the picket line

Uber: lies about driver earnings, attempts to break strike Uber Technologies agreed Jan. 19 to pay out $20 million to…

February 10, 2017

Mumia Abu-Jamal on Black Panther Party

This past fall marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Black Panther Party. To celebrate the occasion, Common…

February 10, 2017

Civil Rights leader pioneer John Lewis says: ‘Keep marching!’

Congressperson John Lewis was the keynote speaker at the standing-room-only Black History Month celebration in New York City on Feb.…

February 10, 2017

Student occupation says ‘all walls must go!’

New York - Demanding “This place is sanctuary!” three students were lead organizers of the Jan. 30 occupation at the…

February 9, 2017

Philadelphia activists: ‘Divest from Standing Rock!’

Protesters ­picketed on Feb. 3 at Philadelphia’s main office of Wells Fargo Bank, which has over $400 million invested in…

February 9, 2017