U.S. and Canada

To save Mother Earth: Change the system

Progressive and liberal-thinking intellectuals have noted that the issue of global warming is so critical that it is “the biggest…

April 19, 2017

Trump & the Wall Street-Pentagon coalition

There has been much buzz in the capitalist media recently about Donald Trump’s “flip-flopping.” He has changed his positions 180…

April 18, 2017

On April 24 – Pack the court to win freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal

A court hearing on Mumia Abu-Jamal’s new Post-Conviction Relief Act petition will be held in the Pennsylvania Court of Common…

April 18, 2017

May Day 2017: ‘We are the ones we have been waiting for’

The world is reverberating with militant calls for a mass, general strike on May Day -- International Workers’ Day on…

April 18, 2017

Philadelphia street meeting promotes May Day 2017

Two weeks before May Day, May 1, a couple dozen Workers World activists and friends held a roving street meeting…

April 18, 2017

Baltimore Workers World Party Regional Conference resounding success

The atmosphere was vibrant and exciting at the hall packed with young activists attending the April 8 all-day regional conference…

April 18, 2017

Syracuse, N.Y., BLM rallies for justice

Syracuse Black Lives Matter launched another year of resistance to cop abuse, racism and the criminal injustice system with an…

April 14, 2017

Reproductive freedom conference

The conference “From Abortion Rights to Social Justice: Building the Movement for Reproductive Freedom” met for the 31st year on…

April 14, 2017

Police terror in a ‘Sanctuary City’

San Francisco - April 7 marked one year since the police assassination of Luis Góngora Pat, a 45-year-old Yucatecan Mayan…

April 13, 2017

Bakery workers confront immigration edict

Dozens of immigrant workers at Tom Cat Bakery will soon face auditing by Trump’s anti-immigrant Department of Homeland Security. With…

April 13, 2017