U.S. and Canada

Support for women hunger strikers in ICE prison

Protesters in Portland, Ore., marched on April 19 in support of immigrant hunger strikers at the largest immigrant prison on…

April 30, 2017

Milwaukee schools say YES to sanctuary

After weeks of organizing on behalf of undocumented students and workers, a sanctuary district resolution for Milwaukee Public Schools was…

April 30, 2017

May Day & Marx, Chicago 1886

Chicago - It is often noted that May Day had its origins here in Chicago. Two days after 40,000 workers…

April 30, 2017

Mumia hearing: ’Too much justice’?

Philadelphia - A petition filed on behalf of political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, seeking a new appeal in his…

April 29, 2017

‘Fund homes, not war!’

New York, April 20 — A lunchtime civil-disobedience action blocked traffic in front of the Manhattan Federal Building today, as…

April 29, 2017

Movement power wins access to political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

Frackville, Pa. - Ona Move! We did it again! The movement’s swift and forceful response got what we wanted and…

April 28, 2017

Pennsylvania prison censors Workers World call for May Day strike

Workers World Party and its editorial staff received notices on Feb. 22, March 31 and April 5 from the Pennsylvania…

April 28, 2017

Celebrating the life of ‘people’s lawyer’ Lynne Stewart

Hundreds of people gathered on April 22 at St. Peter’s Church in New York City to celebrate the life of…

April 27, 2017

Banks and for-profit prisons grow rich on deportations

While millions of migrant and refugee families struggle under a climate of fear fueled by widespread deportations, private for-profit prison…

April 27, 2017

Resistance in response to firing of Tom Cat workers

New York City - The racist, anti-worker bosses at Tom Cat Bakery finally carried out the wishes of the repressive…

April 27, 2017