U.S. and Canada

Fight for affordable housing not over

Without warning, in the early morning hours of June 2, dozens of Georgia State University police raided Tent City, built…

June 5, 2017

Zbigniew Brzezinski & the lies about Afghanistan

The recent film “War Machine,” made by Brad Pitt and released by Netflix, centers around an egotistical general commanding U.S.…

June 5, 2017

Virginia community defense: Rooting out white supremacy

Fighters against white supremacy took to the streets June 3 in Charlottesville, Va., for a "Community Defense Against Fascism" protest.…

June 5, 2017

Mumia supporters tell Philly DA: ‘Open the books!’

On May 30, demonstrators outside the Philadelphia district attorney’s office demanded its compliance with an order by Common Pleas Judge…

June 2, 2017

From Mumia Abu-Jamal: My Heartfelt ‘Thank You’!

Taken from a May 30 audio recording on prisonradio.org Several days ago I received a message from both of our…

June 2, 2017

ILWU Local 10 halts work to fight racism

In a stunning worker action against racism, about 100 members of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 walked out…

June 2, 2017

‘We must combat violence against trans women’

The following excerpts are from a talk by Cosmia Bohannan-Blumke on “Trans liberation and Mx. Bostick” at a May 20…

June 2, 2017

On the picket line

Yale grad students demand contract bout 1,100 people marched and rallied May 22 before the Yale University commencement ceremony in…

June 1, 2017

Victory in Baltimore: Charges dropped for May Day protesters

Three demonstrators who were arrested while protesting at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office on May 1 won their cases…

May 31, 2017

Trump: Front man for Wall St., Pentagon

Trump is opening a full-scale assault against the workers and oppressed. The anti-Russia campaign is the last thing the movement…

May 31, 2017