U.S. and Canada

In Chicago, ‘Healthcare = Life’

Chicago, June 27 -- "Don't Kill Us: Healthcare = Life!"  Chicagoans, including dozens of differently abled people, participated in a…

June 29, 2017

Fracking Colorado, part 2: Impact on environment and people

Fracking Colorado, part 1: Impact on environment and people To a person growing up in the New York/New Jersey area,…

June 29, 2017

Philadelphia: Union workers rally against federal cuts

Workers from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Social Security Administration, the National Parks Service, the Veterans Administration and other federal…

June 29, 2017


Black and Brown high school students from the dance group Left Our Mark led this enthusiastically received Workers World Party…

June 28, 2017

Sylville Smith’s life matters. La vida de Sylville Smith importa

The statement below, issued in English and Spanish by Voces de la Frontera in Milwaukee, condemns the acquittal on June…

June 28, 2017

Friends and family protest Seattle cops’ killing of mother of three

Two days after the June 16 acquittal of the cop who murdered Philando Castile in Minnesota, Seattle cops murdered a…

June 28, 2017

‘Juvenile lifers’: Demanding justice in Detroit

A group of at least 80 protesters rallied in Erma Henderson Park in Detroit on Father’s Day, June 18, to…

June 28, 2017

‘Healthcare Not Wealthcare!’: Disability rights activists arrested

“Healthcare not Wealthcare” was a sign left behind at the die-in protest on June 22 inside Senate Majority Leader Mitch…

June 27, 2017

Philly vigils against health care cuts

Over 200 demonstrators participated in a June 22 rally in Philadelphia against massive cuts to the Affordable Care Act and…

June 27, 2017

Historic marker acknowledges 1985 bombing of MOVE members

Philadelphia — Due to the hard work and dedication of middle school students from the Jubilee School here, there is…

June 27, 2017