U.S. and Canada

Oakland City leadership promotes rapist cops

Oakland, Calif. — Mayor Libby Schaaf and her new Chief of Police Anne Kirkpatrick demonstrated a blatant disregard for the…

July 17, 2017

Charlottesville, Va., acts to ‘Smash White Supremacy’

Thousands arrived in Charlottesville, Va., on July 8 to protest the Klan and their cop protectors. The city, under the…

July 17, 2017

Arab woman’s bakery assailed by Zionists and Islamophobes

Oakland, Calif. — Four Zionists blocked the entrance to Reem’s California Bakery here on July 8 in an effort to…

July 17, 2017

Workers strike big-business media for 16 weeks

For fifteen weeks, 1,800 International Electrical Workers Local 3 members have been out on strike at Charter/Spectrum Communications in the…

July 17, 2017

Take ‘em down NOLA fights to remove ALL racist monuments

The monuments that were taken down, as well as those remaining, were all constructed in what we would call the…

July 17, 2017

‘Border Patrol off buses and trains!’

Syracuse, N.Y. — Trucks rumbled overhead on Interstate 81, and Greyhound buses rolled by, as more than 30 people protested…

July 15, 2017

Political prisoner the Rev. Pinkney ’FREE AT LAST’

Detroit — Activists here gathered on July 8 to celebrate a rare victory in the struggle against capitalist oppression. More…

July 15, 2017

On the picket line

Memphis sanitation workers finally get their due Fourteen still-living Black workers who made history with the “I am a man”…

July 15, 2017

Trans Liberation #NoJusticeNoPride

On June 25, the Trans Liberation Collective led a coalition of accomplices to shut down the Chicago Pride Parade for…

July 13, 2017

Big turnout against hate in Berkeley

More than 200 people turned out for a public forum dubbed United Against Hate in Berkeley, Calif., on July 7.…

July 13, 2017