U.S. and Canada

Detroiters protest Taser killing of Black youth Damon Grimes

Damon Grimes, a 15-year-old African-American youth riding an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) on Aug. 26 died of injuries from an accident…

September 7, 2017

Commemorating Black August in San Diego

Over 60 people filled the Malcolm X Library and Performing Arts Center for a successful event commemorating Black August in…

September 7, 2017

Black August: Providence, R.I., honors Black prisoner resistance

Providence, R.I. — Behind the Walls, a prisoner rights program of Direct Action for Rights and Equality, along with Workers…

September 7, 2017

Michigan activists fight home auctions

A demonstration at the Wayne County treasurer’s home on Aug. 31 and a subsequent action at the treasurer’s office on…

September 7, 2017

Support for Workers World Party: Anti-racist, anti-fascist statements of solidarity

After the recent anti-fascist and anti-racist acts of resistance in Charlottesville, Va., on Aug. 12, and Durham, N.C., over the…

September 7, 2017

Eyewitness Harvey: Working-class rescue, gov’t neglect

Houston, Sept. 4 — The flood waters have not receded in parts of southwest Houston. Cities near the Louisiana border…

September 6, 2017

Leonard Peltier has triple-bypass surgery

The following edited email was sent by the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee on Sept. 2. Good morning friends and…

September 6, 2017

Boston workers show love to Durham freedom fighters

By Steve Gillis Financial Secretary, USW Local 8751 Boston Members of United Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston school bus drivers’…

September 6, 2017

Anti-masking laws collude with white supremacy

The world is witnessing righteous resistance against fascist and white supremacist mobilizations across the United States: in Charlottesville, Va.; Berkeley,…

September 6, 2017


Activists mobilize, support each other Durham, N.C., Sept. 4 — As community members, activists and allies gear up for actions…

September 5, 2017