U.S. and Canada

Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal speaks on mass shootings

The sounds of gunfire crackle through the night air, but few seem to realize its import. Some think it’s firecrackers;…

October 28, 2017

Veterans Administration workers demand: ‘Fill the job vacancies!’

Members of the American Federation of Government Employees held a “Fully Staff The VA” informational picket at the Salem, Va.,…

October 26, 2017

Taking a knee against racism in Georgia

Atlanta, Oct. 22 — Five young Black women, students at Kennesaw State University, have ignited a struggle here against white…

October 26, 2017

Philadelphia cops riot against protesters at police chiefs convention

Protesters calling for the abolition of police rallied outside the International Chiefs of Police Convention in Philadelphia on Oct. 21…

October 24, 2017

No fascists in Florida!

Pensacola, Fla. — Nazi and white supremacist leader Richard Spencer descended Oct. 19 on Gainesville, Fla., to the University of…

October 24, 2017

Players resist NFL owners on rule to stand during anthem

Bulletin: African-American reporter Jemele Hill was reinstated to her co-hosting job on ESPN’s Sports Center on Oct. 23 following a…

October 24, 2017

Houston Brown Berets demand end to police violence

Organized by the Brown Berets de TejAztlan, a rally and march to condemn police violence gathered victims' families and activists…

October 24, 2017

University of Chicago graduate workers win historic union vote

In a decisive and historic victory in the struggle for graduate workers at private universities across the United States, the…

October 23, 2017

‘Real Detroiters Speak Out’ to World Conference of Mayors

The World Conference of Mayors is convening its 33rd anniversary conference in Detroit from Oct. 23 to Oct. 26. Was…

October 22, 2017

‘Do It Like Durham’: What it means

Below is a speech given by LT Tran to a New York public meeting titled “Do It Like Durham” held…

October 22, 2017