U.S. and Canada

Eyewitness Ames plant fire: ‘a week of hell’

By Xzander Stephens in the Parkersburg, W.Va., area It was around 12:20 a.m. I had just gotten off a 10-hour…

October 31, 2017

Why you should attend Workers World Party’s National Conference

Since the dissolution of the USSR and the Soviet bloc, the ruling class has been all too eager to declare…

October 31, 2017

Socialist activists plan WWP national conference

By Ben Carroll and Taryn Fivek “There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.” --…

October 30, 2017

The way to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution? An open letter to revolutionaries everywhere

Revolutionary greetings to all, on the centennial of the Russian Revolution. The 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution may have…

October 30, 2017

St. Louis protests discredit cops, disrupt economy

One hundred days of angry, passionate protests in St. Louis are impacting the city’s economy and raising criticism of the…

October 30, 2017

Worker exploitation and the mental health crisis

Workers are facing a mental health crisis stemming from exploitation at the hands of the capitalist system. Working long hours…

October 29, 2017

#NoDAPL water protectors sent to jail

Following the directions of Big Oil’s Dakota Access Pipeline company, North Dakota Judge Thomas Merrick on Oct. 19 convicted and…

October 29, 2017

Transit advocates square off with bankers

New York — Members of the People's MTA (PMTA) advocacy group delivered blistering remarks at a public hearing of the…

October 28, 2017

Workers World challenge overturns Pennsylvania prison ban

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections sent a letter to Workers World Publishers on Oct. 13, informing us that the denial…

October 28, 2017

Stop Police Brutality Day in Atlanta

Atlanta — National Stop Police Brutality Day was the culmination of a weekend of events here on Oct. 19-22, bringing…

October 28, 2017