U.S. and Canada

A tax in sheep’s clothing

Taxes paid to the federal government will go up this week, by a yearly total of about $6 billion, if…

March 6, 2018

Grad workers and teachers strike in Illinois

Graduate workers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign entered their third day of striking on Feb. 28. Workers demonstrated,…

March 6, 2018

From a teacher to West Virginia educators: An open letter

Dear education workers of West Virginia, Your militancy is phenomenal. Your courage to stand up and fight back is inspiring.…

March 5, 2018

Janus v. AFSCME threatens all union labor — the racist history of the ‘right to work’ slogan

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Feb. 26 on the Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31 case. A decision, expected by…

March 5, 2018

#DefeatAusterity activists to gather in Detroit

Organizing is in high gear for the National Conference to Defeat Austerity taking place March 24 in Detroit. Youth organizer…

March 5, 2018

No pledge of allegiance to racism

My son Jeremiah Boykin called me from school on Friday, Feb. 16, to tell me that he was dismissed from…

March 5, 2018

Alaska ends subminimum wage

Feb. 23 — Alaska became the third state to eliminate subminimum wage for disabled workers. The law in Alaska takes…

March 2, 2018

Hospital union rallies vs cutbacks

More than 1,000 members of 1199SEIU union came out to an emergency morning rally at Madison Square Garden in New…

March 2, 2018

On the picket line

NYC Teamsters train to be ‘sanctuary union’ Teamsters in New York City’s Joint Council 16 voted Sept. 13 to become…

March 2, 2018

Striking teachers, school staff stay strong in West Virginia

West Virginia education workers were still out on the picket lines on March 1, continuing their historic statewide strike for…

March 1, 2018