U.S. and Canada

On the picket line

Support Spectrum workers’ strike! Union busting is the name of the zero-sum game that telecommunications giant Charter Communications, known for…

March 18, 2018

Disability groups sue for elevator access

Led by the Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York, several individual plaintiffs and other disability rights’ organizations joined…

March 18, 2018

San Diego march says ‘Respect and trust Black Womxn’

San Diego — Over 300 people showed up on March 10, in overcast, rainy weather, for the “Black Lives Matter:…

March 16, 2018

‘Columbus is guilty!’ say Black Pride 4 in Ohio

A large multinational crowd gathered on March 12 in front of the Columbus, Ohio, city hall in solidarity with the…

March 16, 2018

Students fight creation of private police force

Johns Hopkins University President Ronald J. Daniels sent an email to students on March 5 detailing the school’s path to…

March 14, 2018

Solidarity with Korea

Activists gathered in downtown Boston on March 10 for a speakout led by women from the Boston branch of Workers…

March 14, 2018

Youth defend Korean self-determination

Portland, Ore. — A lively group of Portland Workers World Party members and friends was joined by a contingent of…

March 14, 2018

Trump promotes extreme right

Bigot in chief Donald Trump’s firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his replacement by former CIA Director Mike…

March 13, 2018

International Working Women’s Day: Celebrating liberation and revolution

International Working Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 in countries around the globe. Here in the United States, Workers…

March 13, 2018

Lessons of the West Virginia strike

Charleston, W.Va. — West Virginia teachers and school service workers triumphed in a major victory on March 6. After striking…

March 13, 2018