U.S. and Canada

Big guns destroy U.S. schools

Bigger guns are destroying children’s lives in U.S. schools than the AR-15 used in the heinous Florida school murders. Schools…

March 21, 2018

Is a ‘Defiant Workers’ Spring’ coming?

The class war is still stirring in West Virginia since the conclusion of the courageous, 9-day education workers’ strike. Some…

March 20, 2018

Custodians win big in Durham, N.C.

Durham, N.C. — Custodians in Durham Public Schools won $1.1 million in wages and benefit increases on March 8 after…

March 20, 2018

UIUC graduate workers win strike, new contract

Chicago — After 12 days of striking, graduate workers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign overwhelmingly approved a new…

March 20, 2018

A million students walk out for safe schools

Raleigh, N.C. — A million students, from all ages and backgrounds, marched out of schools on March 14 in solidarity…

March 19, 2018

The mass appeal of ‘Black Panther’

The movie “Black Panther” has financially taken the global film industry by storm since its official release in the U.S.…

March 19, 2018

Justice for Siham Byah!

Siham Byah, a recently deported activist and mother from Boston, gave a press conference from Rabat, Morocco, on March 1.…

March 19, 2018

An Amazon worker speaks: ‘Workers feel extremely exploited’

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has an obscene individual net worth of over $124 billion. Yet, the company’s half-million-plus workers worldwide…

March 19, 2018

Communities rally around Mumia Abu-Jamal

Philadelphia’s West and Southwest neighborhoods came together as a community on March 10 at the Kingsessing Free Library in solidarity…

March 18, 2018

Global actions call for Mumia’s freedom

A call for freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal and all political prisoners is picking up steam, with solidarity actions planned for…

March 18, 2018