U.S. and Canada

National Conference to Defeat Austerity

The photographs shown here were taken at the National Conference to Defeat Austerity on March 24 at the St. Matthews-St.…

March 26, 2018

Ending gun violence — a radical call

The outrage and organizing skills of high school students who survived the mass school shooting in Parkland, Fla., on Feb.…

March 26, 2018

Trump engineers right-wing takeover

Trump has demolished the original loose coalition that included establishment figures in the White House and the Cabinet. This coalition…

March 26, 2018

Militant Black union leader honored

Los Angeles — The achievements of union and community organizer Chris Silvera were celebrated on March 10 when he was…

March 25, 2018

Herman Bell granted parole – but cops, politicians try to nix it

Supporters of Black liberation fighter and political prisoner Herman Bell held a packed news conference at the Center for Constitutional…

March 23, 2018

‘Time’s Up Wendy’s March’

New York — Farmworkers and their allies completed a five-day “Freedom Fast” organized by the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, on…

March 23, 2018

Florida bridge collapse: Did builder put profits before safety?

A pedestrian bridge under construction over a seven-lane highway leading to Florida International University collapsed March 15, killing six people…

March 23, 2018

Smash rape culture and capitalism!

This is a slightly edited version of a talk given at a Workers World Party forum on Feb. 3, titled…

March 22, 2018

Gender: An ideological weapon

This is the slightly edited version of a talk given at a Feb. 3 forum, "Women and the Struggle for…

March 22, 2018

Jersey City teachers face down injunction

Jersey City, N.J. — Teachers here walked out on strike on Friday, March 16. Represented by the Jersey City Education…

March 21, 2018