U.S. and Canada

‘End police terror’ rings out in midtown Manhattan

More than 1,500 people took the streets of New York City on March 28 to demand an immediate end to…

April 3, 2018

Lessons of the April 1968 Black rebellions

Following are excerpts from an April 11, 1968, WW article by Workers World Party founding chairperson Sam Marcy, a week…

April 3, 2018

Howard University protests erupt amidst corruption scandal

April 2 — Students and organizers at Howard University are engaged in a fifth day of protests and sit-ins in…

April 2, 2018

Detroit conference advances fight against austerity

The National Conference to Defeat Austerity was held in Detroit on Saturday, March 24. Led by a coalition of organizations…

April 2, 2018

Vets, gov’t workers rally against privatizing the VA

Seattle — On March 27, government workers and veterans decried the 49,000 vacant staffing positions at veterans hospitals across the…

April 1, 2018

Immigrant women protest: ‘We will not be caged!’

“We will not be caged!” was the rallying cry against deportation of immigrant women and children in upstate New York…

March 29, 2018

On the picket line

DOE workers fight union busting The Betsy DeVos-led Department of Education canceled its contract with nearly 4,000 DOE workers on…

March 29, 2018

Women’s liberation, socialism linked

March 17 — “Women, Socialism and the Black Liberation Struggle,” a Workers World Party International Working Womens Day forum, drew…

March 29, 2018

Austin, Texas, bombings caused by white supremacy

Following the suicide of the person suspected of committing the bombings that killed Black people in Austin, Texas, Jason Cohen,…

March 29, 2018

Responding to police murder, protesters block entrance to NBA game

Another young Black man’s life was tragically taken March 18 when three Sacramento, Calif., police officers emptied 20 shots into…

March 29, 2018