U.S. and Canada

UE welcomes Korean peace declaration

UE [United Electrical Workers] welcomes the “Panmunjom Declaration” agreement between the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic People’s…

May 7, 2018

Syracuse, N.Y., tenants take action against landlord exploitation

Syracuse Tenants United (STU) continues to organize for better living conditions at Central New York properties owned by Syracuse Quality…

May 6, 2018

May Day 2018: A day of solidarity with im/migrants and all workers

May Day —  International Workers Day — is celebrated around the world, including in the United States.  It is a…

May 4, 2018

Protesters shut down MTA event

https://www.facebook.com/pplsmta/videos/1920163074660651/?hc_ref=ARSphCyNyZfL9CIdpUN0Az6-tnvNSGjVKBcdtDA2P9VhiOHAsCtJRNxJyPbdxxqMkMA&fref=nf New York — With the main rallying cry for greater subway accessibility, protesters disrupted and ultimately shut down an…

May 3, 2018

Jury duty exposes racist injustice

Detroit — It’s 3:30 p.m. and I just got back from jury duty. I had arrived at the Frank Murphy…

May 3, 2018

New York tenants shut down rent board meeting

New York — Hundreds of angry tenants drowned out members of the Rent Guidelines Board at an April 26 meeting…

May 3, 2018

Worker unity needed vs. brutal war on immigrants

The migrant sector of the global working class in 2006 revived May Day in the U.S., staying away from their…

May 2, 2018

Colorado teachers walk out, surround Capitol

Denver — Over 10,000 teachers surrounded the state Capitol in Denver on Friday, April 27, making their loud voices heard.…

May 2, 2018

School bus battles roll on

“Experienced drivers! Safe children!” chanted New York City school bus drivers and attendants in Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181, along…

May 2, 2018

#RedForEd blazing as Arizona teachers walk out

The spreading education workers’ struggle is ablaze in Arizona. On Thursday, April 26, an estimated 75,000 public school employees refused…

May 1, 2018