U.S. and Canada

Oakland, Calif.: Radical Black woman activist runs for mayor

Oakland, Calif., May 22 — Workers World interviewed Cat Brooks, co-founder of the Anti Police-Terror Project and executive director of the…

June 1, 2018

Karl Marx & the working-class struggle today

Introductory remarks given at the event “Marx@200: Class Struggle in the Age of Trump,” hosted by Workers World Party, on May…

June 1, 2018

‘Palestine will be free!’

Chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Israel, Israel, you shall learn, by the millions…

May 31, 2018

U.S. war on migrants accelerates

Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzales, an unarmed woman from Guatemala, was shot in the head and killed on May 23 by…

May 29, 2018

Trump administration attacks low-income women and workers

Between May 18 and 21, two arms of the Trump administration delivered a one-two punch. One knocked down poor women’s…

May 29, 2018

Minneapolis: Another city votes for Cuba

Minneapolis is now the eighth U.S. city to call for ending the U.S. blockade of Cuba. The City Council unanimously…

May 28, 2018

Poor Peoples Campaign: ‘We shall not be moved’

Albany, N.Y. — The second week of the Poor People’s Campaign found several hundreds gathered here on May 21 in the capital…

May 28, 2018

Supreme Court ‘justice’ is theft from workers

A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that allows companies to replace collective lawsuits with individual arbitration is going to make…

May 28, 2018

Workers challenge Walt Disney’s evil kingdom

May 27 — The Walt Disney Company is an entertainment conglomerate with two famous amusement parks and resorts, Disneyland (Anaheim,…

May 28, 2018

Anti-war GIs relive their resistance at Midwest conference

A three-day conference celebrating the history of the movement of active-duty U.S. Armed Forces members who opposed U.S. wars against…

May 28, 2018