U.S. and Canada

Long live the revolutionary spirit of Fred Hampton!

The following article was first posted on workers.org on Dec. 3, 2019. It has been slightly edited.   Fred Hampton, the…

December 4, 2023

Corporate media play pernicious role 

By Tracy Jones Based on a talk by the author to the Marxist Youth League in Buffalo, New York,  on…

December 1, 2023

Major Tillery and SLEP

By Cindy Lou For 39 years of his unjust imprisonment, Major Tillery's main concern has been the welfare of others.…

December 1, 2023

Commentary: No place for old men

Quite recently, during the height of the ravaging COVID-19 crisis, an American health care agency announced a series of projects…

December 1, 2023

Ucrania será la primera batalla ganada en el mundo que está naciendo

Artículo publicado el 1 de noviembre de 2023. El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de…

December 1, 2023

PDF of November 30 issue

Download the PDF. 54th National Day of Mourning demands: ‘Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!’ Beyond ‘Cease-fire now’ Palestinian…

November 30, 2023

54th National Day of Mourning demands: ‘Land Back, from Turtle Island to Palestine!’

Plymouth, Massachusetts Over 2,000 Indigenous people and their supporters — with thousands more in attendance via live stream — shut…

November 28, 2023

PDF of November 23 issue

Download the PDF. Palestine is all of us Hamas on ‘falsehood of the Zionist narrative’ The courage to resist Download…

November 25, 2023

Red Cup Rebellion strike at 200+ Starbucks stores

Thousands of Starbucks workers across the country organized over 200 one-day Unfair Labor Practice strikes on Red Cup Day, Nov…

November 24, 2023