U.S. and Canada

Disability groups reject racist Georgia voter suppression

A proposal by the Randolph County, Georgia, Board of Elections to close seven out of nine polling places in one…

September 10, 2018

Trump pay freeze attacks POC, women workers

President Donald Trump announced on Aug. 30 that he plans to freeze a scheduled 2.1 percent pay raise as well…

September 10, 2018

EPA aids Big Coal, imperils human health and planet

The Trump administration handed Big Coal a bonanza when the Environmental Protection Agency proposed rolling back pollution controls on coal-burning…

September 10, 2018

NAFTA was bad for workers; U.S. belligerence is worse

The North American Free Trade Agreement has helped the U.S. imperialist ruling class dominate both its junior imperialist neighbor to…

September 10, 2018

Arizona educators resist state treachery

Arizona education workers are once again in motion, following a stunning, reactionary decision on Aug. 29 by the state’s corporate-backed…

September 7, 2018


Oakland, Calif. — A rally to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal was held Aug. 28 at Oscar Grant Plaza in downtown Oakland,…

September 6, 2018

Aretha’s Detroit bids farewell

For two weeks, Detroit has been mourning the death of Aretha Franklin, the legendary musical artist, activist and genuine philanthropist…

September 6, 2018

Conference strategizes tearing down statues, walls

Durham, N.C. — Energized by the fall of the Silent Sam statue in neighboring Chapel Hill, N.C., just days before,…

September 6, 2018

Lessons of an early socialist experiment

This Part 2 of the series “What Is Socialism?” consists of an abridged version of the first half of Sam…

September 6, 2018

Prisoners continue to strike!

More “inside” actions in the National Prison Strike have been reported since the Aug. 28 roundup in Workers World. (tinyurl.com/y9ssw4sa)…

September 5, 2018