U.S. and Canada

NYC: Support laundromat workers on May Day 2019

On May Day in New York City, there will be a demonstration on Wall Street at 2 p.m. in front…

April 23, 2019

Portland, Ore.: Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution

The Hands Off Venezuela Coalition in Portland, Ore., displayed banners and placards calling for "No Sanctions, No Coup, No Media…

April 23, 2019

Press conference celebrates new legal opportunities for Mumia

An air of celebration energized the press conference held by supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal on April 18. The…

April 20, 2019

The significance of reparations — then and now

A “Conversation on Reparations,” held here on April 13, featured Monica Moorehead, Workers World Party 2016 presidential candidate and editor…

April 20, 2019

On the picket line: UIC education worker victory!

UIC education worker victory! The Graduate Employees Organization strike at University of Illinois Chicago (WW, April 6) resulted in a…

April 18, 2019

Breaking news: Philly DA withdraws appeal in Mumia Abu-Jamal case

April 17 -- A major hurdle was cleared today for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal to win a new trial and…

April 17, 2019

‘Stop, don’t shop!’: Northeast grocery workers on strike

Approximately 100 Stop & Shop workers and supporters rallied at the Somerville, Mass., store April 14 to demand a fair…

April 17, 2019

Trump threatens more repression

On April 5, during a presidential visit to the southern border in Calexico, Calif., President Donald Trump told migrants and…

April 16, 2019

States intensify attacks on reproductive rights

It’s war. Patriarchal diehards in state legislatures across the country are bound and determined to criminalize what should be a…

April 16, 2019

La Casa Blanca intensifica guerra criminal contra inmigrantes

En la actualidad, la Casa Blanca se comporta como una cuerda elástica, con proclamas de arriba a abajo que cambian…

April 16, 2019