U.S. and Canada

VW and Trump’s NLRB: partners in union busting

Bulletin: After the NLRB denied the UAW’s petition for a vote, the Board then allowed the union to file a…

May 30, 2019

As Cleveland jail deaths continue, protesters demand justice

On May 10, Nicholas Colbert became the latest person to die in the Cuyahoga County Jail, the ninth in less…

May 30, 2019

MOVE 9 women freed after 40 years

MOVE 9 members Janet Holloway Africa, 68, and Janine Phillips Africa, 63, were freed on parole May 25, after over…

May 28, 2019

Mobile home residents in Iowa rally against landlords

Residents of Waukee’s mobile home community Midwest Country Estates and supporters rallied outside the Sheraton Hotel in West Des Moines…

May 28, 2019

Pack the court for NYC subway elevators, June 5!

The fight for accessibility in New York’s public transportation system is approaching a critical milestone on June 5. That’s when…

May 28, 2019

Niños migrantes mueren en detención

23 de mayo, 2018, un agente de Customs and Border Protection mató con un tiro a la cabeza a Claudia…

May 28, 2019

Free Assange and Manning!

By releasing the information provided by whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange exposed the war crimes of the imperialist…

May 28, 2019

The politics behind the delay in the Harriet Tubman $20 bill

General Harriet Tubman was one of the greatest abolitionists of the 19th century. Born into U.S. slavery, once she escaped…

May 28, 2019

Iowa McDonald’s workers join nationwide walkouts

McDonald's workers in Cedar Rapids and Des Moines went on strike for "living wages and better working conditions" as part…

May 28, 2019

On the picket line: Farmworkers, Sex workers, Airline mechanics

NYS farmworkers win right to organize The state appellate court in Albany, N.Y., ruled May 23 that excluding farmworkers from…

May 28, 2019