U.S. and Canada

Boston Pride contingent highlights solidarity

Stonewall Warriors, International Workers’ Solidarity Network and Workers World Party brought a strong contingent to the Boston LGBTQ2S Pride march…

June 13, 2019

Philly protest calls for removal of racist police

June 7 -- Black and Brown communities across this city are outraged over the news released by the Plain View…

June 11, 2019

Protest camp keeps going as Philly Housing Authority evicts #OccupyPHA

Over 60 cops and counterterrorism officers were mobilized at 6:30 a.m. on June 3 to allow Philadelphia Housing Authority officials…

June 11, 2019

From Ferguson to Philly: Cops and Klan go hand in hand

More than 300 Philadelphia police have been exposed as strident racists, based on social media posts revealed by Plain View…

June 11, 2019

Ramona Africa honored

Friends, family and political activists held a "Birthday Celebration of Life" for Ramona Africa in Philadelphia on June 8. Africa…

June 11, 2019

With banner drops NYC activists demand justice for Eric Garner

On the morning of June 4, as commuters filed out of Grand Central Station, activists from People's Power Assemblies New…

June 10, 2019

Security workers win union at Amazon

Local 6 of the Service Employees Union (SEIU), after years of organizing at Amazon’s security contractor, Security Industry Specialists, has…

June 10, 2019

Disability community wins ruling in fight for subway access

In the hallways of the court at 60 Centre St. on June 5, lawyers for disability rights activists declared an…

June 10, 2019

Burgerville workers fight for living wage

Over 60 union organizers and community members joined dinner-hour picket lines at two Burgerville restaurants here June 6. Picketers blocked…

June 10, 2019

Inspired by Boots Riley, theater workers organize a union

The Salt Lake Film Society shows independent and international films, hosts entertainment events and rents out its DVD film archive.…

June 9, 2019