U.S. and Canada

More struggle ahead as W.Va. education workers face setback

After two years of intense struggle against right-wing state officials, West Virginia education workers faced a temporary setback June 19.…

June 26, 2019

Euclid, Ohio: Police attack on teenagers draws protest

Several dozen concerned community members attended the Euclid City Council meeting on June 17 to protest the recent racist conduct…

June 26, 2019

Hundreds protest ICE in Philly

Just a few days after President Trump announced and then postponed his pledge to deport millions of immigrants, about 200…

June 26, 2019

ACT NOW to save Mumia’s eyesight and to demand his release!

Sign the following petition at tinyurl.com/mumiaeyes. Mumia’s vision has rapidly deteriorated. It has been confirmed that Mumia currently suffers from…

June 26, 2019

Boston activists protest U.S. threats against Iran

Approximately 75 peace activists gathered in downtown Boston, outside the Park Street Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority station, on June 22…

June 25, 2019

Stonewall Uprising 1969, night 3: ‘The battle was on!’ from Lavender & Red, Part 70

Originally published Aug. 14, 2006, this column was part of Leslie Feinberg’s series of articles on the connections between LGBTQ2S+…

June 22, 2019

Outrage over death of transgender woman in New York City

Members of Workers World Party and New York City People’s Power Assemblies joined several hundred people in Manhattan’s Foley Square…

June 22, 2019

Portland march defends Philippine sovereignty

In Oregon June 15, BAYAN USA-Pacific Northwest and Malaya Movement Pacific Northwest held a high-spirited march and banner drop off…

June 22, 2019

Ongoing repercussions from the Central Park Five case

The four-part Netflix series “When They See Us,” directed by  African-American director Ava DuVernay, has set off an avalanche of…

June 20, 2019

The centennial of Red Summer is a pivotal moment against racist terror

During the Red Summer of 1919, a wave of white-supremacist terrorist attacks was unleashed on Black Americans. From February to…

June 20, 2019