U.S. and Canada

The struggle continues for the Ayotzinapa 43

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of the Ayotzinapa 43, an event which unleashed a movement for…

September 10, 2019

‘The Socialist Manifesto’ and the rise of social democracy

Writers across the range of socialist and communist groups are openly grappling with strategies to achieve socialism. Every viable socialist…

September 10, 2019

Regalos venenosos de Koch

La muerte en agosto del multimillonario derechista David Koch desató inmediatamente una serie de obituarios extensos en los medios corporativos.…

September 10, 2019

Workers World’s solidarity with El Paso march: ABOLISH WHITE SUPREMACY! ABOLISH ICE!

On Aug. 3, 2019, one individual attempted to crush the spirit of millions. He attempted, through malice and violence, to…

September 5, 2019

Commentary: Prison ‘reform’ still a struggle in Pennsylvania

By Jerome “Hoagie” Coffey SCI Albion, Erie, Pa. After almost three decades in the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania Department of…

September 5, 2019

Providence, R.I.: Black August commemorated

The people gathered for the annual Black August: Culture-Convos-CommUNITY -- A Commemorative Perspective on Black August and the Struggle for…

September 4, 2019

Feds go after UAW: Unions, corruption and the capitalist state

At least a dozen FBI agents raided the Detroit area home of  International President of the United Auto Workers Gary…

September 4, 2019

Jewish activists challenge Trump’s anti-im/migrant policies

More and more progressive Jewish activists are joining the struggle against the Trump administration’s racist repression of im/migrants, including detention…

September 4, 2019

Trump, racism and capitalism

Published on Aug. 11 at lowwagecapitalism.com. Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all…

September 4, 2019

Support SCI Albion prisoner on hunger strike!

Greetings of love, peace and humanity! On April 28, politicized prisoner Demetrius Grant went on a hunger strike here at…

September 4, 2019