U.S. and Canada

Electrifying solidarity on the Boston hotel strike picket line

Oct. 4 -- Today, on the one-month anniversary of the Battery Wharf Hotel strike, hundreds of supporters joined the picket…

October 7, 2019

Pensacola, Fla.:People’s victory: Killer cop fired!

Nearly three months after the murder of Tymar Crawford, a young African-American man killed in his front yard by Daniel…

October 5, 2019

New York City: Activists welcome Bolivarian leader

Jorge Arreaza, minister of foreign affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, was greeted with cheers and applause on Sept.…

October 5, 2019

Legacy of the Sugar Land 95

The Sugar Land 95 are the 95 unnamed African-American people buried in unmarked graves in the city of that name,…

October 5, 2019

Brown Berets march against white supremacy

The Brown Berets held a National Day of Action across the country on Sept. 28. Events were held from Fresno…

October 4, 2019

Scapegoating the homeless for climate crisis

Two weeks ago, when President Donald Trump flew to California for two days to fundraise for his election campaign, his…

October 4, 2019

Workers march to end climate crisis

That climate crisis is a workers’ issue was emphatically affirmed by the IndustriALL Global Union when it called on all…

October 4, 2019

While rate of abortion declines, Title X gag rule will only increase need for abortion

Bulletin: A poll released Sept. 30 by Hart Research Associates shows that about two-thirds (62 percent) of voters nationally believe…

October 4, 2019

Contradictions in the impeachment struggle

Posted on lowwagecapitalism.com, Sept. 29, 2019. The impeachment struggle against Trump poses many contradictions. On the one hand, hundreds of…

October 2, 2019

Bigot Trump’s real crimes

Let us count the crimes the current U.S. president has committed against the working class and all the oppressed masses.…

October 2, 2019