U.S. and Canada

Harlan County, Kentucky, coal miners win $5 million

Coal miners in Harlan County, Ky., have won a historic victory for more than 1,000 workers fired in July by…

October 29, 2019

GM strike ends, concessions continue, solidarity the biggest win

The 40-day strike of almost 50,000 General Motors workers came to an end on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 25.…

October 29, 2019

Educator worker actions heat up — Chicago to Massachusetts

Chicago teachers were still on strike in the third largest school district in the U.S. on Oct. 28. Chicago Teachers…

October 29, 2019

Police violence against Oakland parents and teachers

“When parents and teachers are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!” This was a very popular…

October 29, 2019

As oil companies destroy Houston, community challenges Valero

In Houston, a city choked by oil refineries and regulatory capture, people are fighting back against one of the largest…

October 29, 2019

U.S. ‘democracy’ for $ale: Hong Kong protesters in NYC unmasked

I watched as a prefab “rally in a box” about Hong Kong opened up here on Oct. 13.  I don’t…

October 24, 2019

In trial of killer cop, Black jurors struggle for guilty verdicts

After 27 hours of deliberation over six days, the jury in the trial of Robert Olsen, a DeKalb County officer…

October 24, 2019

‘Forgiveness and mercy’ — for whom?

The writer of the following letter is imprisoned in Massachusetts. As the month of October began, an extraordinary event was…

October 24, 2019

In Chile, one abuse too many

The ideology of the “Chicago Boys” is facing its moment of truth in Latin America. This week, the Chilean government’s…

October 23, 2019

Death row families lead march to end executions

Lydia Garza and 16 family members drove in a rented van almost seven hours from the Rio Grande Valley to…

October 23, 2019