U.S. and Canada

PDF of June 4 issue

Download 12-page PDF here. Not a riot -- REBELLION. Editorial: Defend resisters! Defend the uprising! Photos across U.S.; workers solidarity;…

June 5, 2020

Striking New Orleans sanitation workers fired, replaced by prison slave labor

Sanitation workers in New Orleans are fed up with low pay, long hours and hazardous conditions. Their problems are magnified…

June 3, 2020

Not a riot – REBELLION!

June 1 — A militant, youth-led uprising, ignited by police terror, has swept across the United States like wildfire, and…

June 2, 2020

WW photographer targeted by police

On June 1, while taking photos at a Justice for George Floyd march in Philadelphia, Joe Piette, whose photographs appear…

June 2, 2020

Big banks profit from COVID-19 as food, shelter, even water at risk for millions

On top of COVID-19, another epidemic — one of growing hunger, evictions and foreclosures — now looms over millions of…

June 2, 2020

The Bronx is burning again: COVID-19’s impact on New York’s most underserved district

COVID-19 continues to rage on as an international pandemic months after the initial outbreak in Wuhan, China.  Never to be…

June 2, 2020

EDITORIAL: En una grave crisis económica, lecciones de los más oprimidos

Estados Unidos se encuentra en una crisis económica histórica y aplastante, acelerada por la pandemia de COVID-19. Si bien la…

June 1, 2020

Fight budget cuts in cities

Philadelphia Dozens of Philadelphia city workers wearing masks, standing on chalked X marks 6 feet apart, chanted, “Kenney’s cuts hurt”…

May 29, 2020

Against police violence and capitalism, to rebel is justified

Workers World salutes all the brave protesters in Minneapolis, currently ground zero against police terror. We also salute those activists…

May 28, 2020

PDF of May 28 issue

Download 12-page PDF here. Iran-Venezuela solidarity breaks U.S. blockade. Pandemics can foment social revolutions. Also: What is a Marxist-Leninist party?…

May 28, 2020