U.S. and Canada

Half a million voters protest Biden’s Gaza stance

With results now in from this week’s primaries, the total vote for “uncommitted” options on state ballots stands at 530,502.…

April 11, 2024

PDF of April 11 issue

Download the PDF. Editorial: Yet another Israeli war crime Int’l Al-Quds Day call: ‘Rise up and revolt’ Al-Quds Day in…

April 11, 2024

UW: Seattle students demand ‘Divest from Israel’

Some 300 University of Washington students marched on April 4 on the administration building, and then to the student union…

April 10, 2024

Palestine solidarity; neoliberal president assaults Mexican Embassy

Quito, Ecuador April 8, 2024 — Most of the world commemorated Al Quds Day on Friday, April 5. On Saturday…

April 10, 2024

UAW Local 2325 defends ‘freedom to speak in support of Palestinian liberation’

United Auto Workers Local 2325, which represents legal service workers in the New York City area, passed a strong resolution…

April 8, 2024

Launch of Pa. ‘Uncommitted’ vs. Biden

Philadelphia Pennsylvania organizers from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and cities in between held a Zoom press conference April 3 to promote…

April 8, 2024

A pesar de los llamamientos vacíos a una mayor moderación
EE.UU. sigue armando a Israel

La administración del “genocida Joe” ha equipado recientemente al régimen de apartheid sionista de Israel con más armamento militar mortífero,…

April 8, 2024

Houston Activists say NO! to SB4

Houston Over a hundred Houstonians gathered on a holiday weekend on March 30 to condemn Texas’ SB4, the anti-immigrant, anti-Latiné…

April 4, 2024

PDF of April 4 issue

Download the PDF. Biden’s phony calls for restraint U.S. sends more arms to Israel Resistance demands ‘land back!’ Assassination of…

April 4, 2024

Linking the struggle at home and abroad: Remembering the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

This April 4 will mark the 56th anniversary of the assassination of Civil Rights leader, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King…

April 3, 2024