U.S. and Canada

Espíritu del Primero de Mayo: ¡Lucha! Aplastar la violencia policial y la supremacía blanca 

BOLETÍN: Chauvin declarado culpable. ¡Condenar a todos los policías asesinos! ¡Abolir la policía! Más en workers.org El Primero de Mayo,…

April 30, 2021

Rally demands: MOVE children deserve to rest in peace

Philadelphia YahNé Ndgo opened the rally outside the Penn Museum in Philadelphia April 28 by denouncing the University of Pennsylvania’s…

April 29, 2021

‘I have rights too’

By Miley Selena Fletcher The following letter is from a transgender incarcerated worker at SCI Forest in Pennsylvania. When I…

April 29, 2021

PDF of April 29 issue

Download the PDF. Let Mumia OUT Stay in the street -- Abolish the police! Black Lives Matter: Syracuse, N.Y., athletes;…

April 28, 2021

Say her name! Ma’Khia Bryant!

People in Columbus have been in the streets nearly every day since the police murder of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant April…

April 28, 2021

Rodney Reed supporters gearing up for hearing

Houston The Reed family, neighbors, supporters and activists from Houston and Austin gathered April 17 in the historic Kerr Community…

April 28, 2021

Stay in the streets – Abolish the police!

Editors notes:  We — along with anti-racist activists everywhere — applaud the guilty verdicts April 20 against the racist, white,…

April 27, 2021

Houston activists honor Mumia on his birthday

Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal gathered in Houston on his birthday, April 24, to demand his immediate release and the release…

April 27, 2021

In light of more police killings, Black voices must not be silenced

On April 17, three days before white police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of two counts of murder and…

April 27, 2021

Que Biden Convierta el Acta PRO en ley por orden ejecutiva

El 8 de abril fue el “Día Nacional de Acción por la Ley PRO”. La AFL-CIO se movilizó para bombardear…

April 27, 2021