U.S. and Canada

Methadone: Harm or help?

Methadone. The medicine stirs up controversy just by being brought up. Does methadone help or harm the addicted person? Does…

May 21, 2021

PDF of May 20 issue

Download the PDF. Free, Free Palestine! U.S. backs Israeli terror in Gaza ‘By any means necessary’ Defend resistance! Global Solidarity;…

May 20, 2021

Shackles come in many forms

The shackling of incarcerated workers and other members of our class is a heinous crime against humanity. As committed communists,…

May 18, 2021

Six years after police murder – Tamir Rice family demands justice

Cleveland Tamir’s Campaign held a virtual event May 12 to demand the federal Department of Justice reopen the case of…

May 18, 2021

Portland protest says ‘U.S. out of Colombia!’

A militant group of demonstrators occupying a lane of traffic marched through the streets of Portland, Ore., May 8 chanting…

May 14, 2021

PDF of May 13 issue

Download the PDF. Repression and resistance in South America Colombia: State terror won’t stop the struggle Brazilians tell police: ‘Stop…

May 12, 2021

Free Imam Jamil Al-Amin

Atlanta Supporters of Imam Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) took the campaign to gain freedom for the…

May 12, 2021

Georgia: Black Lives Matter

Atlanta Police agents killed all four of these young Black men in Georgia, and the struggle to prosecute and convict…

May 11, 2021

Stop legal lynchings!
Remember George Stinney Jr.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled April 22 that juveniles — those under the age of 18 — are not exempt…

May 11, 2021

Evictions, hunger, wage theft: pandemic triple threat to workers

It’s hard to put food on the table when you don’t have a home where you can put the table.…

May 11, 2021