U.S. and Canada

California resistance predated 1969 Stonewall Rebellion

This article by Leslie Feinberg, a lesbian transgender and Jewish communist and a managing editor of Workers World, was first…

June 25, 2024

Feds vs. UAW – Workers’ control, not government control!

The United Auto Workers, which led a successful, militant strike against General Motors, Ford and Stellantis (a global auto company…

June 24, 2024

Methadone and the need for radical reform

Recently, the National Coalition to Liberate Methadone released its report on the liberation of methadone from the clinic system. This…

June 21, 2024

Veterans for Peace march to Washington, D.C.

Veterans taking part in an anti-war walk from Maine to Washington, D.C., stopped in Philadelphia on June 14-15. The Peace…

June 21, 2024

Biden distorsiona el Día D

El 80 aniversario del desembarco del Día D en Normandía, Francia, reelaboró un escenario que los funcionarios imperialistas han utilizado…

June 20, 2024

PDF of June 20 print issue

Download the PDF. People’s Pride Coalition demands: Cut ties to pro-Israel weapons maker! Palestinian Resistance breaks morale of Israel’s military…

June 20, 2024

U.S. investments in Israel Bonds fuels genocide

Student encampments demanding divestment of college and university endowments from Israel or companies providing military support for Israel, starting in…

June 19, 2024

High court backs Starbucks, undermines workers’ rights

The Supreme Court of the United States once again attacked the labor movement on June 14, ruling 8-1 in favor…

June 19, 2024

Workers World congratulates Nicaragua on 45th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution

Long before the Sandinista National Liberation Front liberated Nicaragua from the Somoza dictatorship and Yankee rule in July 1979, the…

June 19, 2024

The legacy of Juneteenth

The following article was originally posted at workers.org on June 20, 2022. Juneteenth was implemented as a federal holiday for…

June 19, 2024