U.S. and Canada

Editorial – Se busca: un lugar seguro para dormir

Durante la oleada de tiroteos públicos masivos de las últimas semanas -desde Sacramento, California, hasta Syracuse, Nueva York-, un ataque…

April 26, 2022

‘Take This War and Shove It’ − The coming of age of a Vietnam War military resister

“Take This War and Shove It − A Most Unwilling Soldier 1967-1971,” by Greg Laxer, Unbearable Truth Publications, 2021, 327…

April 22, 2022

Folkston detainees, immigrant rights activists chant together

Folkston, Georgia April 16 – Multiple organizations forming the Coalition to Shut Down ICE in Georgia have been giving special…

April 22, 2022

May Day:  A clarion call to free them all!  

On May 1, 1886, the American Federation of Labor organized militant actions demanding the right of all workers to an…

April 22, 2022

‘Dear Workers World’: Letters from behind the walls 

Dear Mundo Obrero/Workers World: My name is Mr. John Jefferson and I am currently confined at a New York state…

April 22, 2022

COVID and the capitalist crisis

The capitalist class is “reopening” the international economy, harming many workers. Controls that significantly limited the spread of the coronavirus…

April 22, 2022

Oakland coalition plans one-day strike against privatization

Oakland, California At the first in-person school board meeting since August, Moses Omolade, one of the original hunger strikers protesting…

April 22, 2022

PDF of April 21 issue

Download the PDF. MAY DAY! One working class united vs. union busters Stop NATO’s dangerous war against Russia Also: Dollar…

April 21, 2022

Portland tells Starbucks: “Union coffee is hot”

Portland protesters rallied April 16 in front of a Starbucks location which is one of nine city stores trying to…

April 20, 2022