
Sports heroes fight racism

Under a capitalist society, the ruling-class-biased media attempt to isolate almost every development challenging the divide-and-conquer system that puts profits…

December 10, 2019

New stage in the struggle to FREE MUMIA!

Political prisoner and world-renowned journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal and his supporters are closer than ever to winning his release, 38 years…

December 3, 2019

Mass strike rocks Colombia

A historic general strike took place in Colombia on Nov. 21, paralyzing the entire country. Half of Colombia’s population of…

November 25, 2019

Racist coup in Bolivia sparks resistance

Nov. 15 - On Nov. 10, Evo Morales, president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, resigned, along with the vice…

November 17, 2019

The only power in Bolivia is that of armed force

La Paz, Bolivia Published Nov. 12 in Translation by John Catalinotto. The center of La Paz has been transformed…

November 13, 2019

After U.S.-backed coup in Bolivia, Indigenous, workers resist

Nov. 12 -- From La Paz, journalist Marco Teruggi writes that 24 hours after the U.S.-backed coup in Bolivia, “There…

November 12, 2019

U.S.-backed coup deposes Evo Morales in Bolivia

Workers World Bulletin: As of 4 p.m. EDT on Nov. 10, President Evo Morales has resigned his office in Bolivia,…

November 10, 2019

NYC: Subway protest vs. cop brutality

Over 1,000 militant activists streamed into main streets in downtown Brooklyn on Nov. 1 to protest recent police attacks on…

November 6, 2019

Chile’s people defy cops and army to demand gov’t resign

Oct. 28 -- Indigenous Mapuche people, students, workers, retired workers, women, people from all but the most privileged sectors of…

October 29, 2019

U.S. anti-war movement should stay focused on getting U.S. out of Syria

Oct. 20 – The author visited Syria in 2014 and 2015 in small International Action Center solidarity delegations. At that…

October 23, 2019