
Colombia: State terror won’t stop the struggle

Since April 28, workers in Colombia have been waging a general strike. The strike was provoked by the third of…

May 11, 2021

Another police murder in North Carolina — Justice for Andrew Brown Jr.!

Elizabeth City, N.C. May 1 — Seven deputies from the Pasquotank County Sheriff’s Department killed unarmed Andrew Brown Jr. in…

May 5, 2021

A May Day 2021 manifesto for the revolutionary transformation of the working class

The writer is First Secretary of Workers World Party. To all fighters for the workers and the oppressed of the…

May 3, 2021

Birthday events in Philadelphia say: Let Mumia OUT

An international coalition of groups supporting Mumia Abu-Jamal held events April 23-25 to commemorate his 67th birthday (April 24) and…

April 27, 2021

Spirit of May Day: Fight Back!
Smash police violence and white supremacy

BULLETIN: Chauvin found guilty. Convict all killer cops! Abolish the police! More on May Day, International Workers Day, was…

April 20, 2021

After Amazon Vote: Unionize ALL workers

The following edited remarks were made on an April 9 webinar entitled “The struggle continues — Next Steps for BAmazon…

April 15, 2021

‘Make this a new period of working class challenge’

The following edited remarks were made at an April 9 webinar, “The Struggle Continues: Next Steps for BAmazon Union and…

April 13, 2021

Ramsey Clark, human rights fighter – 1927-2021

Ramsey Clark was a founder of the International Action Center and inspired the political activists who used its structure to…

April 12, 2021

NO STALLING! The only solution — U.S. out of Afghanistan

On Feb. 29, 2020, after rounds of negotiations in Doha, Qatar, with the Taliban — the insurgency they have fought…

April 6, 2021

In the spirit of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Bessemer workers fight for justice

A historic union election concluded March 29 after 5,800 Amazon warehouse workers, over 80% of them African American, voted on…

March 30, 2021