Sports, Arts and Culture

Baseball players union blasts owners for lockout

At midnight Dec. 2, immediately after the contract between Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association expired,…

December 10, 2021

The case of Peng Shuai and U.S. hypocrisy

U.S. and Western imperialism are super-obsessed with finding any angle to demonize and smear the People’s Republic of China, politically,…

December 7, 2021

Editorial/ Es hora de enterrar el ‘chuzo

El béisbol -que durante mucho tiempo se ha promocionado como el “pasatiempo nacional de Estados Unidos”--  acaba de dar a…

November 9, 2021

Rally demands end to gender violence

In response to the transphobic, homophobic and misogynist show, The Closer, starring popular comedian Dave Chappelle, an in-person rally took…

October 26, 2021

The tip of a rotten iceberg

The National Football League is the oldest professional sports league in the U.S. Its owners are among the most reactionary.…

October 18, 2021

Women’s soccer players want Equal play Equal pay

Discrimination on the basis of sex has been illegal since the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed.  Yet somehow, in…

September 22, 2021

Women gymnasts expose FBI complicity in abuse scandal

The nightmare that began with U.S. women gymnasts, both prominent and unknown, being sexually molested as young girls by USA…

September 21, 2021

Ed Asner, actor and activist

On Aug. 29, Ed Asner passed away. To television watchers he is best known for his Emmy-winning performances as Lou…

September 8, 2021

Tokyo Olympics: athletes resist, forge solidarity

Black-gloved fists raised in a Black power salute, heads bowed on the podium, U.S. sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos…

August 11, 2021

Honoring mental health issues, athletes like Simone Biles deserve support

The biggest news coming out of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics is not about the pandemic excluding large numbers of crowds…

July 30, 2021