Revolutionary Theory and Practice

Unite the workers’ struggle with the liberation of nations

A Workers World Party member since 1962, Catalinotto addressed the final session of the Lenin Centennial of Jan. 21, 2024.…

February 9, 2024

No es nadie la muerte si va en tu montura
Entrevista sobre el 7 de octubre de 2023 en Palestina

Entrevista a la antropóloga libanesa y dirigente comunista Leila Ghanem, realizada y traducida para la Coordinación de Núcleos Comunistas (CNC)…

February 9, 2024

La asamblea internacional de Nueva York rinde homenaje a la resistencia palestina

Nueva York La Asamblea Internacional contra el Imperialismo en Solidaridad con la Resistencia Palestina se celebró el 21 de enero…

February 5, 2024

Lenin yesterday, today, tomorrow

By Georges Gastaud Gastaud is a retired teacher, union militant and for nearly two decades the general secretary of the…

February 5, 2024

Solidarity with Palestine sparks a global upsurge

Flounders is a contributing editor of Workers World newspaper and co-director of the International Action Center. She presented these remarks…

February 3, 2024

Venezuelan analyst:
Lenin on ‘Socialism and War’

A message from Rodríguez Gelfenstein, a political analyst and former Venezuelan diplomat and official, to the International Assembly against Imperialism…

February 2, 2024

Palestine has taken center stage in the world struggle against imperialism

Excerpted from a talk given by Monica Moorehead, a Workers World newspaper  managing editor and editor of “Marxism, Reparations and…

February 1, 2024

Widening war can’t fix this – Zionism’s unsolvable predicament

The Jan. 22 explosion in Gaza that killed 21 Israeli soldiers and left 33 wounded, 11 critically, happened as they…

January 30, 2024

Ukraine: ‘Capitalism is always war’

By Dmitry Dezhnev Message to the International Assembly against Imperialism in Solidarity with Palestine, on Jan. 21, in New York…

January 30, 2024

Conservative conspiracy champions college censorship

Philadelphia I first became aware of the Leadership Institute, funded by the Koch Network, while researching an article on the…

January 29, 2024