Revolutionary Theory and Practice

Is the U.S. facing a revolutionary situation?

The inescapable duty of a socialist revolutionary is to perceive the changes taking place in society which sharpen the class…

December 22, 2020

How long will Peru last? History weighs on today’s events

The writer was the director of international relations in Venezuela’s presidential office and the country’s ambassador to Nicaragua. Currently, he…

December 18, 2020

China replacing U.S. as world’s leading scientific power

The first day of December saw two major scientific events: the Arecibo observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed, and China’s Chang’e…

December 7, 2020

Class struggle in China – How to deal with multibillionaires?

“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice” is an old story repeated in many variations, from Greek myths to a famous German poem by…

November 23, 2020

The white vote for Trump: Is multinational working class solidarity possible?

Why did nearly 73 million people vote for Trump, given his disastrous pandemic response and the economic collapse? The answer,…

November 17, 2020

Stop #45 is a first step

Although the Democratic Party presidential candidates soundly defeated the Republicans by some 6 million votes overall, as well as with…

November 16, 2020

No voter suppression!  The struggle has just begun

As of this writing (Nov. 6) it appears that Joe Biden has won the U.S. presidential election. Ballots are still…

November 6, 2020

Portuguese Marxists view U.S. elections

From Jornal Mudar de Vida The following note on the site introduced a Portuguese translation of a WW editorial…

November 6, 2020

This system is sick

The COVID-19 crisis is shedding a glaring light on the contradictions and failures of capitalism. Millions of lives are at…

October 19, 2020

Rich get richer, poor get poorer — and sicker

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” The old cliché is still true — obscenely true. In six…

October 12, 2020