Prisons: tear them down

Assata Shakur: ‘Fight tooth and nail to save Mumia’s life and free him’

Note: This statement was recorded at Radio Havana in Cuba in 1998 and featured on “All Things Censored: Vol. 1,…

November 5, 2021

Prisoners win minimum wage victory

Seattle After years of hunger strikes, immigrant workers detained at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Wash., have won the…

November 3, 2021

David Gilbert to be released from prison after 40 years – Free Dr. Mutulu Shakur!

Finally, after 40 years of incarceration, the New York State Parole Board did the right thing on Oct. 26 and…

November 2, 2021

International Tribunal finds U.S. guilty of crimes against humanity

The International Tribunal on Human Rights Abuses Against Black, Brown and Indigenous Peoples was held Oct. 23-25 at The Malcolm…

November 1, 2021

Miami defenders rally for release of twice-kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab

By Lauren Smith Bulletin: On Nov. 1 U.S. District Judge Robert Scola dropped all but one money laundering charge against…

November 1, 2021

Justice again denied for Mumia Abu-Jamal

Philadelphia, PA The Pennsylvania Superior Court on Oct. 26 denied Pennsylvania political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals, filed in 2019 following…

November 1, 2021

U.S. protesters demand release and repatriation of Aafia Siddiqui

Reprint from Al Jazeera Excerpts from an article in Al Jazeera Dozens of protesters and human rights activists are calling…

October 28, 2021

Abuse at Philadelphia County Jails must stop now!

Dozens of relatives and friends of incarcerated people, recently released former prisoners and community activists held a protest outside a…

October 27, 2021

Medical release for Maroon

Oct. 25 — Pennsylvania political prisoner Russell Maroon Shoatz’s petition for medical release was finally granted by Philadelphia County Court…

October 25, 2021

Oakland rally demands: ‘Free Julian Assange!’

Oakland, Calif. Oct. 23 — A broad coalition of antiwar and anti-imperialist groups converged here at the Grand Lake Theater,…

October 25, 2021