Prisons: tear them down

Ralph Poynter visits Mumia Abu-Jamal

He's still glowing, days later. On Aug. 10, Ralph Poynter, spouse of "the people's lawyer," Lynne Stewart, visited Mumia Abu-Jamal…

August 25, 2013

Caracas conference honors Chávez, fights to free Cuban 5

Caracas, Venezuela — The 7th Continental Conference in Solidarity with Cuba was held in Caracas, Venezuela, from July 24 to July…

August 25, 2013

Fight to free Chelsea Manning

It was no surprise, but no less a crime of U.S. military injustice, that Pvt. Chelsea Manning was sentenced to…

August 22, 2013

Former death row inmate Kelvin X. Morris: Justice delayed is justice denied

According to the Pennsylvania Moratorium Coalition, a federal district court’s vacating of Kelvin X. Morris’s death sentence in July 2007…

August 19, 2013

Free the MOVE 9!

August 8 marked the 35th year of incarceration for the surviving eight members of the MOVE 9. On Aug. 7,…

August 14, 2013

Let Lynne go!

Another vindictive assault has taken place against a courageous people’s lawyer. On Aug. 8, District Judge John Koetl rejected Lynne…

August 13, 2013

Protest shows solidarity with prison hunger strike

In solidarity with the prison hunger strikers now in their fourth week of refusing food, hundreds gathered at the Downtown…

August 8, 2013

Free Manning! Jail Bush!

To clarify the injustice in the verdict finding Pfc. B. Manning guilty of 20 of the charges against this anti-war…

August 7, 2013

A message from Lynne Stewart to all of us

The following letter was issued on Aug. 1 by political prisoner Lynne Stewart, who is suffering from breast cancer and…

August 6, 2013

Central Park 5: Merry-go-round for justice

For the umpteenth time, another “Central Park 5” court hearing/status conference was adjourned on July 23. Again, the Manhattan courtroom…

August 4, 2013