Prisons: tear them down

Clock ticking to ‘Free Leonard Peltier!’

Olympia, Wash. Marching behind a “Free Leonard Peltier” banner, demonstrators demanded presidential clemency for the Native American political prisoner at…

October 2, 2016

Protests outside Mahanoy and Frackville prisons call for clean water, hep c drugs

A car caravan transported prisoners’ family members, friends and prisoners’ rights activists to SCI Mahanoy and SCI Frackville prisons on…

October 1, 2016

Reflections on white supremacy by an anti-imperialist political prisoner

Sept. 28 -- This wide-ranging essay, written by anti-imperialist, U.S. political prisoner Jaan K. Laaman, one of the original Ohio-7/United…

September 30, 2016

Chelsea Manning’s hunger strike wins medical care

Chelsea Manning, sentenced to 35 years in prison for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, launched a hunger…

September 27, 2016

Prisoners hold first nationally coordinated work stoppage

Prison inmates around the country launched the first nationally coordinated work stoppage on Sept. 9. In their own words, these…

September 26, 2016

Whistleblower Manning punished for suicide attempt

In an arbitrary and inhumane decision, a U.S. Army disciplinary board sentenced heroic whistleblower Chelsea Manning to solitary confinement as…

September 25, 2016

Prisoners’ strike sparks solidarity actions

On Sept. 9, the 45th anniversary of the heroic Attica prison uprising in New York, inmates across the country struck…

September 15, 2016

ATTICA UPRISING: Paris Commune of the Black Liberation struggle

The story of Attica, Sept. 9, 1971, is the story of how prisons can be incubators of revolutionaries — like…

September 14, 2016

THE 1971 ATTICA REBELLION: George Jackson & the revolutionary prison movement of 2016

From a talk at a Workers World Party campaign meeting held on Sept. 10 in Detroit. Other speakers included Carlos…

September 14, 2016

Free Rev. Edward Pinkney!

The Workers World Party election campaign expresses its total support for imprisoned Michigan activist, the Rev. Edward Pinkney. On Dec.…

September 14, 2016