LGBTQIA2S+ liberation

Book review: ‘Out in the Union’

“Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America,” by Miriam Frank, Temple University Press, 2014 The importance of…

June 21, 2015

Boston Pride confronts racism

Black Lives Matter Boston, members of the Hispanic Black Gay Coalition and supporters challenged systemic racism and corporate “pride” by…

June 17, 2015

Motor City Pride: The fight is not over

Thousands of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people, and their allies, took to the streets June 7 in the…

June 10, 2015

Welcome, Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce Jenner, the 1976 decathlon champion and Olympic gold medalist, came out as transgender to an international audience when a…

June 9, 2015

PRIDE weekend in Buffalo, N.Y.

On June 7, activists with the Buffalo, N.Y., branch of Workers World Party carried a banner in the Buffalo Pride…

June 8, 2015

Bay Area celebrates life of Leslie Feinberg

Activists from across the Bay Area turned out on May 31 in Oakland, Calif., to join in the celebration of…

June 2, 2015

Irish reject homophobia and colonial oppression

The people of the Republic of Ireland have stunned the world by making it the first country to say “Yes”…

May 28, 2015

Supreme Court pressed to grant right to marry

Last week the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments for and against legalizing same-sex marriage. Plaintiffs from Michigan,…

May 8, 2015

Meetings honor Leslie Feinberg

By John Parker and Kris Hamel Events in Los Angeles and Detroit paid tribute to revolutionary communist, renowned author and…

May 4, 2015

Outrage pushes back bigoted Indiana law

From the minute Indiana Gov. Mike Pense passed the bigoted “Religious Freedom Restoration Act,” the law permitting businesses to discriminate…

April 6, 2015