Workers unite!

Philadelphia: Week of actions shows solidarity with Palestine

Philadelphia Opposition grows to Israel’s war on Palestinians. Below are reports and photos from one week of protest actions in…

November 24, 2023

UAW agreements ratified — But can union contracts end capitalist exploitation?

After a strike that lasted over 40 days and won big gains, United Auto Workers members have ratified contracts with…

November 21, 2023

Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

The author is a Belgian Marxist who writes for and When Israel unleashed its ruthless war of revenge…

November 17, 2023

Union opposition to genocide in Palestine grows

Workers World has written previously about union solidarity with Palestinian workers. ( and Now, more labor organizations in the…

November 14, 2023

Portland teachers historic strike

In their first-ever strike, Portland teachers walked off the job on Nov. 1. They are demanding smaller class sizes, the…

November 14, 2023

SAG-AFTRA strike wins big gains

After 118 days on strike, members of Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists will be voting on…

November 13, 2023

Portland’s first teachers strike

Portland, Oregon For the first time ever, Portland’s 4,300 teachers are on strike and closed down schools beginning on Nov.…

November 10, 2023

New York: Uber, Lyft drivers win big victory – $328 million!

New York City Uber and Lyft, without admitting they did anything wrong, agreed to pay around 100,000 drivers $328 million…

November 10, 2023

On the picket line 

      Pharmageddon   Pharmacists at major chains are just like other health care workers around the U.S. They…

November 9, 2023

Coast to coast protests for Palestine continue

As demands increase for a cease-fire in Gaza to stop Israel’s genocide against the people of Palestine, demonstrations continue in…

November 3, 2023