A historic union election concluded March 29 after 5,800 Amazon warehouse workers, over 80% of them African American, voted on…
On March 23, after a bipartisan Senate backrub, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh was confirmed as Biden’s new Secretary of Labor.…
La histórica elección sindical que buscan los trabajadores mayoritariamente negros de un almacén de Amazon en Bessemer, Alabama, termina el…
The following remarks were given at a March 20 Harlem, N.Y., rally in solidarity with Amazon workers who are organizing…
Student workers organize Undergraduate student workers at Kenyon College in Ohio formed the Student Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC) and voted…
The six Asian spa workers murdered in Atlanta March 16 were low-wage workers. They were not respected by capitalism. Their…
The racist, misogynistic massacre of eight massage parlor workers — six Asian, all women — immediately prompted strong statements from…
As many people reading Workers World/Mundo Obrero newspaper already know, March is Women's History Month. In a patriarchal world and…
San Francisco March 12 — Labor union and community members rallied today in front of the offices of Morgan Lewis,…
La Federación Sindical Mundial (FSM) emitió el siguiente comunicado el 3 de marzo. EE.UU.: FSM en solidaridad con los trabajadores…