Workers unite!

Rally supports striking Reserve Roastery workers

New York City The sidewalk was packed Nov. 10 as union, student and community supporters rallied in solidarity with striking…

November 14, 2022

Elecciones en Brasil: Los trabajadores y los más oprimidos derrotan al fascista Bolsonaro 

31 de octubre – El pueblo de Brasil ha demostrado un notable valor, frente al terror de la extrema derecha,…

November 11, 2022

Potential railroad strike could ‘shut it down’

U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh, once a building trades union leader, has threatened the 12 unions that represent freight…

November 7, 2022

Rhode Island activists demand local job funding

Providence, Rhode Island Oct. 19 — “Organize! Mobilize! Fightback!” The sound of the tenor drumbeat reverberated up the sweeping staircase…

November 7, 2022

On the picket line

Rail union signal workers reject federal tentative agreement A second railroad workers union, Railroad Signal workers (BRS) representing over 6,000…

November 4, 2022

Letter carriers surprise Postmaster General Dejoy

By Dave Welsh San Francisco Over the Oct. 22-23 weekend, the U.S. Postal Service workforce learned that Postmaster General Louis…

November 3, 2022

Workers in France conduct one-day general strike

Protesters clashed with the police in numerous cities, as 300,000 workers participated in a partial general strike in France Oct.…

October 28, 2022

Despite Albany Amazon setback, union surge continues

“It was a sham election,” said Amazon Labor Union President Chris Smalls, referring to the union representation election at an…

October 28, 2022

Philadelphia protest opposes developers plans targeting Chinatown

Philadelphia Billed as a chance to “network and shmooze with Philadelphia’s top real estate developers and professionals,” the Jewish Federation…

October 28, 2022

Militant Teamsters blockade breaks Sysco scab operation in Plympton, Massachusetts

Boston For two weeks beginning Oct. 1, Sysco Boston — an outpost in Plympton of the global food and food…

October 27, 2022